Outdoor Amusement
Out-of-home recreation businesses include various recreational facilities such as amusement parks, specialty attractions, theme park, and water parks. NavyBlu can assist you with feasibility analysis, site selection, development, operation, and updating recreation offerings to encourage greater participation by core enthusiasts and new adopters.
The feasibility study is the first step of the development process and provides critical guidance for design, construction, and operations. It evaluates potential market support and forecasts usage. It determines potential financial performance and development costs. It provides detailed physical planning parameters and recommends the attraction mix.
Our feasibility study includes:
Market analysis
Attendance demand
Site review
Potential revenue analysis
Concept suitability
Today’s theme parks and leisure attractions are becoming increasingly complex, since they need to integrate retail, food, corporate groups, sponsorship programs, attractions, and a variety of other activities. Having a sound design and master plan is critical to success. We work closely with your onsite team to provide the following services for your business:
Land use evaluation
Master planning
Concept design & development
Schematic design & development
Construction oversight
Operations planning services are necessary to ensure a safe and efficient operation. We develop all systems, procedures, policies, and programs in the timeliest manner possible. The operational aspects we address include:
Job descriptions
Organizational charts
Operating manuals
Orientation programs
Ride selection and procurement
Food and merchandise pricing and programming
Marketing plans
Manuals and training
Standard operating procedures
Staff training
Safety programs